Competitor Website Keyword Analysis and Keyword Research

The first step of your digital marketing journey is understanding how analysis and competitor keyword research works. The module has been split into 7 sections, and our experts would walk you through every point that would make you perform effective analysis and keyword research.

Market Research:

Market research in digital marketing is a crucial aspect to determine the scalability of the product/ business and to keep a note of the competitors in the online market. The tutors at Digital Chatsala will imbibe your lecture with techniques that help the wards to stay ahead of peers from other digital marketing institutes in Bangalore. A comprehensive guide to enlighten the students to use and work on various tools for market research is given to the students along with end-to-end practical experience.

Competitor Website Keyword Analysis:

We always teach our students to look out for competitors, as they are the best references that can be used for keyword analysis. At our digital marketing institute in Marathahalli, we teach the students how to analyze the competitors based on the keywords and domain.

Shortlisting the right keyword for the project:

The final point of keyword research is to shortlist the right keywords based on the category of the business/ website. We follow a step-wise rule as to how we can effectively shortlist the keywords, and the knowledge our experts possess is imparted to our students. At the end of the module, every student is given a practical assignment to work on.

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